琥珀四重奏(Amber Quartet)2005年创立于北京,现任教于中央音乐学院。琥珀四重奏是当今极具国际影响力的中国杰出室内乐团,广泛活跃于世界舞台,被誉为当代国际室内乐领域的引领者之一。
琥珀四重奏曾多次创造中国室内乐历史。2013年,琥珀四重奏在"墨尔本亚太国际室内乐比赛”(ASIA-PACIFIC Chamber Music Competition)包揽了“比赛最高奖”、“弦乐四重奏金奖”与“最佳现代作品诠释”三项大奖,实现了中国室内乐组合在国际大赛中“零的突破”。不仅如此,琥珀四重奏还是世界顶级室内乐音乐节”MISQA“邀请的第一组亚洲弦乐四重奏等;第一组考入马德里国际室内乐学院并以满分毕业的中国公派弦乐四重奏;国际传奇组合 Alban Berg Quartet 门下唯一中国传承者等等。
琥珀四重奏广泛活跃于国际音乐舞台,每年在世界范围内受邀举办超过五十场音乐会,演出足迹遍布世界十几个国家和地区,多次完成高规格国事演出任务。琥珀四重奏接受了包括世界权威音乐杂志“The Strad”,中国国家级刊物 China Daily 、新华社、中央人民广播电台,澳大利亚ABC广播、澳大利亚SBS广播、西班牙国家广播电台,上奥地利周报、西班牙欧华时报等国内外媒体的报道与专访。法新社称琥珀四重奏是“光彩夺目的组合”;澳大利亚 ABC 广播用“充满色彩的音乐体验”形容琥珀四重奏。欧洲著名乐评人 C. Grubauer 听完琥珀四重奏奥地利专场音乐会后,以《令人幸福的演奏艺术》为题,在上奥地利州报发表长篇乐评。
琥珀四重奏获得了国际乐坛与社会各界人士的高度赞誉。指挥大师洛林·马泽尔(Lorin Maazel)将琥珀四重奏称为“卓越的组合”;国际室内乐大师 Günter Pichler 预言“琥珀四重奏将成为国际四重奏领域的引领者之一”;国际中提琴大师 米歇尔·库格 (Michael Kugel)这样形容他们:“琥珀四重奏已经成为年轻的世界顶级弦乐四重奏之一,他们的音乐触动我心”;诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言为琥珀四重奏题字:“余音绕梁”。法国总统夫人布丽吉特女士称赞琥珀四重奏的音乐:”不可思议的优美“。
琥珀四重奏在学术领域具备开阔的视野与优秀的研究能力。至今为止,琥珀四重奏完成了超过百部的室内乐作品的演出,涵盖了近400年间古典音乐历史的每个时期。自2018年起,琥珀四重奏与中央音乐学院理论系副教授潘澜女士共同发起了极具创新性的“演奏与理论深度融合重点研究项目”,琥珀四重奏还借助新媒体平台开设了“音乐写作教育专栏”以及“音乐与文学专栏”。琥珀四重奏同样注重中国当代原创作品的实践与推广,近年间他们多次与中国民族音乐演奏家合作,首演了多部“中西合璧”的室内乐作品,2019年,琥珀四重奏凭借卓越的艺术水准,获得国家艺术基金评委团的高度认可,入选 「中国国家艺术基金」青年人才资助项目,同年琥珀四重奏委约中国当代著名作曲家叶小钢先生创作弦乐四重奏作品《风信子》。
琥珀四重奏的成员们在音乐教育领域同样取得了不俗的成绩。在专业音乐教育领域:宁方亮、苏雅菁、戚望、杨一晨是中央音乐学院正式在编教师。自2015年以来,他们教授了超过40名学生在国内外独奏与室内乐比赛中获奖。琥珀四重奏关注古典音乐对大众审美的引领作用,他们打破了舞台与讲台的界限。2019年6月- 8月琥珀四重奏在国家图书馆·艺术中心开创性的举办了“听弦乐四重奏·知古典音乐史”系列讲演式音乐会,深入浅出的讲述中外古典音乐300年发展史中的关键节点与作品。琥珀四重奏系列讲演音乐会获得了多方好评,内容收录于国家图书馆资料中心、“学习强国”、国家大剧院经典讲堂等平台,并获得数十家国内外权威媒体的报道。
琥珀四重奏师承中央音乐学院陈允教授、于兵教授阿班贝尔格四重奏(Alban Berg Quartet)第一小提琴 Günter Pichler 教授。他们还曾接受过多位国际室内乐专家的指导,如 Gerhard Schulz, Valentin Erben, Michael Tree, Harald Schoneweg, Wolfgang Jahn, 龚汉祥等。琥珀四重奏成员为:第一小提琴宁方亮、第二小提琴苏雅菁、中提琴戚望、大提琴杨一晨。自2017年起,国家大剧院管弦乐团副首席马魏家,作为特邀第二小提琴加入琥珀四重奏。
琥珀四重奏使用四把历史总计超过1200年的意大利古琴,它们由香港中华基金慷慨给予。琥珀四重奏使用的琴盒由国际知名琴盒制造商 「BAM CASES」赞助。自2018年起,世界顶级乐谱出版商「G.Henle 」为琥珀四重奏无偿提供乐谱支持服务。
Founded in 2005 at the Central Conservatory of Music, the Amber Quartet, who represents the highest level of chamber music in China, has created history of Chinese chamber music for multiple time: the first Chinese chamber ensemble winning the highest award in an international chamber music competition, the first and only Chinese inheritor of the legendary Alban Berg Quartet, the first public-funded Chinese chamber ensemble entering the Instituto Internacional de Música de Cámara at the?Escuela Superior de Musica Reina Sofia de Madrid and graduating with full credit, the first and only Chinese chamber ensemble invited by the renowned McGill International String Quartet Academy (MISQA), and the first professional string quartet listed in China National Art Foundation
As the most influential professional Chinese chamber ensemble, the Amber Quartet has received multiple awards, including the highest awards and the best interpretation of modern works in ASIA-PACIFIC Chamber Music Competition, the silver medal in Chinese Golden Bell Music Competition, and the Central Conservatory Chamber Music Competition. After the establishment, the Amber Quartet has had concert appearances internationally, leaving footsteps in concert halls throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, and China.
The Amber Quartet has also received interviews by numerous medias worldwide, such as the flagship music magazine "The Strad", Xinhua News Agency, China National Radio, Australia ABC Radio, Australia SBS Radio, Spain National Radio, Ober?sterreichische Rundschau, Spain Euro-Chinese Times, Beijing News, Guangzhou Daily, Music Times, Club Magazine, etc.
The Amber Quartet has also devoted to academic and research field and they were proved to be capable and visionary. The Amber Quartet has performed over one hundred works of string quartet covering the history of Western music for over four hundred years. Meanwhile, the Amber Quartet pays great attention on promoting Chinese chamber compositions. In recent years, the Amber Quartet has collaborated with composers and musicians in traditional Chinese music and premiered many chamber works that combine Western and Eastern elements. In 2018, the Amber Quartet and Professor Lan Pan in musicology from Central Conservatory of Music co-founded the innovative key research project Deep Integration of Performance and Theory. Based on the high-level musicality and academic achievement, the Amber Quartet was selected in the 2019 Youth Talent Funding Program of China National Art Foundation.
Members of the Amber Quartet have multiple achievements in music education. Fangliang Ning, Yajing Su, Wang Qi, Yichen Yang are formal teachers at Central Conservatory of Music in chamber music and string performance. Starting from 2015 they have taught over forty students who won awards in various chamber and solo competitions. Besides regular teaching, they encouraged and led students in public welfare activities including High-end Music Entering College benefit concert and benefit lectures at NCPA, which received positive social responses. Members of the Amber Quartet have committed themselves to the popularization of classical music through Amber Quartet Concert Plus, an integrated and creative lecture-concert series aiming at fostering mass audience to appreciate classical music.
The Amber Quartet studied under Professor Yun Chen and Professor Bing Yu from Central Conservatory of Music, and Professor Günter Pichler from Alban Berg Quartet in Spain. The Amber Quartet was also coached by a number of world-renowned chamber artists including Gerhard Schulz, Valentin Erben, Michael Tree, Harald Schoneweg, Wolfgang Jahn, Hanxiang Gong, etc.
Members of the Amber Quartet perform on four ancient Italian instruments generously loaned by Hong Kong China Foundation. The renowned French case manufacture BAM has generously sponsored the Amber Quartet with their instrument cases. Starting from 2018, the Amber Quartet has signed with the publisher G. Henle and adopted its free score support service.
"Amber Quartet....a remarkable assemble"------Lorin Maazel
"They are able to becoming one of the leading quartet’s in the world" ——Alban Berg Quartet -- Günter Pichler
"A dazzling ensemble"------Agence France-Presse.
"Their music makes color audible"------Australia ABC Radio.
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