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  • Email:celloyichen@qq.com
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Ma Weijia


德国 Dresdner Residenz Orchester 独奏小提琴家


?马魏家先后就读于中央音乐学院,德国德累斯顿国立音乐学院硕士毕业, 师从梁大南教授,Igor Malinovsky教授。

曾担任“中国青年交响乐团”乐队首席,2009年入选著名小提琴家Pinchas Zukerman大师班学习,2010、2011年受指挥家Christoph Eschenbach邀请参加“Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival”欧洲巡演与Musikern Midori、Thomas Hampson、 Bobby McFerrin、  Christopher Hogwood、Ivan Fischer 等众多著名音乐家合作演出; 2005年参与创建“琥珀四重奏”并任第二小提琴七年之久,被原柏林爱乐乐团首席Rainer kussmaul教授称赞为“极为优秀的二提琴。” 2017回归琥珀四重奏,担任特邀小提琴。

留德期间担任德国Dresdner Residenz Orchester 独奏小提琴家,常年在德累斯顿著名的Zwinger皇宫 演出了如 “Vier Jahreszeiten”、 “Mozart Gala”、 “Walzertraeume”、 “Italienische Nacht”等系列音乐会上百场次及专辑的录制。

2011年起任职于 “中国·国家大剧院管弦乐团”,现担任乐团助理首席。他参演了20余部歌剧、以及众多交响音乐会和室内乐,与众多艺术家如Lorin.Maazel、郑明勋、Valery Gergiev、郎朗、王健等合作演出,并出访多个国家和地区。如2012年的德国巡演,2014年的美国巡演,2015年的意大利巡演,2016年作为艺术家代表与费城交响乐团合作演出,2017年再度随团赴美巡演,在芝加哥交响中心,纽约卡内基音乐厅 旧金山“戴维斯”音乐厅等地演出并广受好评。

Ma Weijia has taken professional roles as assistant concertmaster of China NCPA Orchestra, solo violinist of Dresdner Residenz Orchester and one of the core members creating the Amber String Quartet.

 In 2004 he was enrolled by the Affiliated Middle School of Central Conservatory of Music. In 2007 he was admitted by the Central Conservatory of Music and took lessons from Professor Liang Danan. During that time he undertook the concertmaster at China Youth Symphony Orchestra.

In 2005, he joined hands in creating the Amber String Quartet with his partners, and acted as the second violinist for 7 years, and took part in the First and the Second Siemens Ensemble International Beijing and the Chamber Music Festival at the Central Conservatory of Music, which was not only ably directed by such musicians as Rainer Kussmauul----the concertmaster of Berliner Philharmoniker, the chief cellist Wolfgang Boettcher, the Tokyo string quartet cellist Sadao Harado. Moreover, he was praised as “the best second violinist” by Professor Kussmauul. In October of 2009, He took lessons from the master classes of the notable violinist Pinchas Zukerman. In 2010, he met the entry qualification of the famous music festival in Germany----“Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival” and cooperated with such notable musicians as Musikern Midori, Thomas Hampso, Bobby McFerrin, Christoph Eschenbach, Christopher Hogwood, Ivan Fischer in Germany, Czech, Poland and Hungary. In 2011, he was invited by conductor Christoph Eschenbach to attend “Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival” Europe tour. 

In 2013, he was enrolled to be a postgraduate at Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden of Germany and took lessons from Professor Igor Malinovsky. During his academic study. he was the solo violinist at Dresdner Residenz Orchester and performed over 100 concerts at the known Zwinger Palace, such as “Vier Jahreszeiten”, “Mozart Gala”,  “Walzertraeume”, “Italienische  Nacht” and the recording of albums. 

Since 2011, he has acted as the first violinist  at “China NCPAOrchestra ”of National Center for the Performing Arts”, now he is the assistant concertmaster of NCPA Orchestra. Ma Weijia has performed over twenty decades operas, many symphonic concerts and chamber concerts with his partners. Besides he has cooperated with many famous artists---Lorin Maazel, Chung Myungwhun, Valery Gergiev, Langlang, Wang Jian and others. In addition he visited many countries and regions, such as the Germany tour in 2012, the US tour in 2014, the Italy tour in 2015, and the cooperated performance with Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra of America as a representative of artists in 2016. In 2017, he went on a tour to the United States with the group,  performing in the Chicago Symphony Center, the Carnegie Concert Hall, the "Davies" Concert Hall in Philadelphia and receiving wonderful praises and positive comments from the audiences all over.

Ma Weijia returned to the "Amber String Quartet" in March of 2016 and acted as the second violin with his co-player, Su Ya jing.